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Very soon after Kathleen and I teamed up, we were off adventuring! In and old 85 Patrol, we were in search of those less travelled tracks. Stumbling along some amazing places as we went. The 4wheel drives changed along the way and so did the culinary adventures at the places we visited. Then finally, last year, we made it to the outback. We camped with our daughter on the edge of a Salt Lake with an absolutely beautiful view of Pinyalling Hill. The silence was deafening. The raw and stark beauty. We lived around the fire, we feasted. From damper with home brined olives and herbs out of our garden, to 8.5 hour low and slow beef short ribs. Camp oven lamb stew on the fire to smash burgers on the cast iron hotplate.
Here, uninterrupted by the noise of everyday life, the idea was born.

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